Products examples:
Chain conveyor including lifting tables & deflectors
Heavy-duty transport trolleys
Racks for car seats
Heavy-duty tipping and transport rack up to 500 kg.
Racks for construction machinery components
Trailer taxi car
Special rack for headlining
Racks for chain drives (construction machinery)
Special rack for vineyard machinery
Door hangers
Trailer for material transport
Rack for general cargo transport for porcelain
Automated conveyor belt
Rack for transmission components
Skid conveyor
Diesel shield (example)
Runway including buffer storage
Headliner trailer
Automated buffer storage
Pneumatic tilting tender for Chep container
Belt conveyor system including vehicle lift system
Rack cooler
Mechanical tool tipping station
Worker rider
Rack shock absorber
Mechanical tool tipping station up to 10 t
Package conveyor belt
Trailer fenders
Swivel table
Trailer wing mirrors
Rack for pond liner
Rollers and chain conveyors with transport pallets for the rear axle
Bumper railings
Trailer rear handle
Push pallet conveyor
Lifting station
Trailer taxi car including mechanical tilting device
Chain conveyor
Lift table
Turntable with skid conveyor
Trailer dolly dump
Diesel shield including vehicle transport hangers
Trailer headlights
Rack dome brace
Railway stations with lift stations